Institute of Technical Education

Institute of Technical Education
Established 1992
Location Singapore

The Institute of Technical Education (Abbreviation: ITE; Chinese: 工艺教育学院) is a post-secondary institution in Singapore that provides pre-employment training to secondary school leavers and continuing education and training to working adults.


Student Intake

Annually, ITE takes in 25% of an annual school cohort, or an intake of about 13,000 students per year, with an annual enrolment of about 25,000. Full-time students are typically secondary school graduates with the requisite GCE 'N' or 'O' level qualifications.


To meet the challenges of the global economy, ITE has adopted a "One ITE System, Three Colleges" Governance and Education Model. The Model builds on the ITE brand name and identity under a "One ITE System" to deliver consistent standards, quality programmes and successful graduates.

Under this system, while ITE Headquarters oversees system and policy changes and ensures standards under "One ITE System", the institution's three Colleges are empowered to develop niche areas of excellence that will enhance the attractiveness of ITE Education, and responsiveness to industry and student needs.

ITE College West

(Former ITE West Network)

ITE College Central

(Former ITE East Network)

New Regional Campus to replace the 5 networked campuses,

ITE College East

(New Regional Campus at Simei)

External links